

Express virtual channels: towards the ideal interconnection fabric

14 years 8 months ago
Express virtual channels: towards the ideal interconnection fabric
Due to wire delay scalability and bandwidth limitations inherent in shared buses and dedicated links, packet-switched on-chip interconnection networks are fast emerging as the pervasive communication fabric to connect different processing elements in many-core chips. However, current state-ofthe-art packet-switched networks rely on complex routers which increases the communication overhead and energy consumption as compared to the ideal interconnection fabric. In this paper, we try to close the gap between the stateof-the-art packet-switched network and the ideal interconnect by proposing express virtual channels (EVCs), a novel flow control mechanism which allows packets to virtually bypass intermediate routers along their path in a completely non-speculative fashion, thereby lowering the energy/delay towards that of a dedicated wire while simultaneously approaching ideal throughput with a practical design suitable for on-chip networks. Our evaluation results using a detailed cycle...
Amit Kumar 0002, Li-Shiuan Peh, Partha Kundu, Nira
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ISCA
Authors Amit Kumar 0002, Li-Shiuan Peh, Partha Kundu, Niraj K. Jha
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