

Expressive policy analysis with enhanced system dynamicity

15 years 4 months ago
Expressive policy analysis with enhanced system dynamicity
Despite several research studies, the effective analysis of policy based systems remains a significant challenge. Policy analysis should at least (i) be expressive (ii) take account of obligations and authorizations, (iii) include a dynamic system model, and (iv) give useful diagnostic information. We present a logic-based policy analysis framework which satisfies these requirements, showing how many significant policy-related properties can be analysed, and we give details of a prototype implementation. Categories and Subject Descriptors K.6.4 [Computing Milieux]: Management of Computing and Information Systems--System Management; K.6.1 [Computing Milieux]: Management of Computing and Information Systems--Project and People Management General Terms Design, Management Keywords Policies, Formal analysis, Security, Authorization Research was sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.K. Ministry of Defence and was accom
Robert Craven, Jorge Lobo, Jiefei Ma, Alessandra R
Added 23 Nov 2009
Updated 23 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CCS
Authors Robert Craven, Jorge Lobo, Jiefei Ma, Alessandra Russo, Emil C. Lupu, Arosha K. Bandara
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