

Extending Catmull-Clark Subdivision and PCCM with Polar Structures

14 years 8 months ago
Extending Catmull-Clark Subdivision and PCCM with Polar Structures
We complete and bring together two pairs of surface constructions that use polynomial pieces of degree (3,3) to associate a smooth surface with a mesh. The two pairs complement each other in that one extends the subdivisionmodeling paradigm, the other the NURBS patch approach to free-form modeling. Both Catmull-Clark [3] and polar subdivision [7] generalize bi-cubic spline subdivision. Together, they form a powerful combination for smooth object design: while CatmullClark subdivision is more suitable where few facets join, polar subdivision nicely models regions where many facets join, as when capping extruded features. We show how to easily combine the meshes of these two generalizations of bi-cubic spline subdivision. A related but different generalization of bi-cubic splines is to model non-tensor-product configurations by a finite set of smoothly connected bi-cubic patches. PCCM [12] does so for layouts where Catmull-Clark would apply. We show that a single NURBS patch can be us...
Ashish Myles, Kestutis Karciauskas, Jörg Pete
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where PG
Authors Ashish Myles, Kestutis Karciauskas, Jörg Peters
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