

Extending Databases to Support Image Editing

14 years 4 months ago
Extending Databases to Support Image Editing
In order to understand similarity between images, recent research has focused on adaptable searches [9] and fuzzy queries [4]. However, one of the best means for determining similarity between images is to know how the image was created [2]. If the image is a combination of other images in the database, then there is a great deal of similarity between the base images and the created one. This requires extending the database to support image editing operations. We have built a preliminary system which does this by using a web-based image editor and a image server. The editor and the server understand a logical model language that represents images. This paper then explores the issues of performance for deriving images from a sequence of operations.
Gregory D. Speegle, Allen M. Gao, Shaowen Hu, Le G
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Gregory D. Speegle, Allen M. Gao, Shaowen Hu, Le Gruenwald
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