

Extending open core protocol to support system-level cache coherence

14 years 8 months ago
Extending open core protocol to support system-level cache coherence
Open Core Protocol (OCP) is a standard on-chip core interface specification. The current release is flexible and configurable to support the communication needs of a wide range of Intellectual Property cores, and is now in widespread use. However, it does not support system-level coherence. This paper summarizes an effort within the OCP-IP cache coherence working group on incorporating cache coherence extensions into OCP, which is expected to have strong impact on the MPSoC industry. In this paper, we propose a backwardcompatible coherent Open Core Protocol interface and discuss the design challenges and implications introduced. This interface is flexible and can support a range of coherence protocols and schemes: we show how it can specify a snoopy bus-based scheme as well as a directory-based scheme. The correctness of the specification and models was verified using NuSMV, via exploring the entire state space for the two basic coherence schemes. Categories and Subject Descrip...
Konstantinos Aisopos, Chien-Chun Chou, Li-Shiuan P
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Konstantinos Aisopos, Chien-Chun Chou, Li-Shiuan Peh
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