

Extending the VoDKA architecture to improve resource modelling

14 years 5 months ago
Extending the VoDKA architecture to improve resource modelling
VoDKA is a Video-on-Demand server developed using Erlang/OTP. In this paper, the evolution of the core architecture of the system, designed for improving resource modelling, is described. After explaining the main goals of the project, the steps taken towards an optimal architecture are explained. Finally, a new architecture is proposed, solving all the problems and limitations in the previous ones. Special attention is paid to the use of design patterns, implementation behaviours, and reusable software components. Keywords multimedia servers, cluster computing, functional programming, distributed computing, design patterns
Juan José Sánchez Penas, Carlos Abal
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Juan José Sánchez Penas, Carlos Abalde Ramiro
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