Most extensibledatabasesystemssupportaddition of new indexes or new data types. However, the referencepatterns exhibited by these new indexes may not be efficiently supportedby existing buffer replacementstrategies. In this paper,we proposea new mechanismthat allows an index method to passreplacementhints to the buffer managerby assigningpriority values to the buffer pagesto reflect the desiredreplacementcriteria. The proposedapproachprovides more flexible control over the replacement criteria as different semantics can be encodedusing priority valueswhich canalso be changed dynamically. Buffer replacementthus becomesextensible since it is possibleto customizea strategyto exploit lmowledgeabout the referencepatternof the application. This extensibility also facilitates the designand fine tuning of better replacement strategies. The approach is illustrated with a hierarchical index example. Experimental results show that a customizedpriority-based replacement strategyoutperformsthe com...