

Extra back-off flow control in wireless mesh networks

14 years 23 days ago
Extra back-off flow control in wireless mesh networks
Abstract--CSMA is the predominant distributed access protocol for wireless mesh networks. Originally designed for singlehop settings, in multi-hop networks CSMA can exhibit severe performance problems in terms of stability and end-to-end throughput. To ensure a smoother flow of packets, we examine a new scheme referred to as extra back-off (EB) flow control. In this scheme a node remains silent for a certain extra back-off time (imposed on top of the usual back-off time that is part of CSMA) after it has transmitted a packet, so as to give both the downstream and upstream neighbors the opportunity to transmit. EB flow control entails only a small modification to CSMA, preserving its distributed character, yet considerably improving the network performance.
Ton Hellings, Johan van Leeuwaarden, Sem C. Borst,
Added 15 Feb 2011
Updated 15 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Ton Hellings, Johan van Leeuwaarden, Sem C. Borst, Dee Denteneer
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