

Extracting and Querying a Comprehensive Web Database

14 years 1 months ago
Extracting and Querying a Comprehensive Web Database
Recent research in domain-independent information extraction holds the promise of an automatically-constructed structured database derived from the Web. A query system based on this database would offer the same breadth as a Web search engine, but with much more sophisticated query tools than are common today. Unfortunately, these domain-independent Web extractors are usually not modelindependent; e.g., an extractor that only finds binary relations from text will be blind to relational data found in tables. Because a topic area often has a data model that is a natural fit (e.g., population statistics are usually in tables, while biographical facts about Einstein are embedded in text), even a high-quality domain-independent extractor will miss a substantial amount of data. Our omnivore system attempts to build a comprehensive Web database by running multiple domain-independent extractors in parallel over a Web crawl, then combining their outputs into a single large entity-relationship ...
Michael J. Cafarella
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CIDR
Authors Michael J. Cafarella
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