

Extracting Appraisal Expressions

14 years 5 months ago
Extracting Appraisal Expressions
Sentiment analysis seeks to characterize opinionated or evaluative aspects of natural language text. We suggest here that appraisal expression extraction should be viewed as a fundamental task in sentiment analysis. An appraisal expression is a textual unit expressing an evaluative stance towards some target. The task is to find and characterize the evaluative attributes of such elements. This paper describes a system for effectively extracting and disambiguating adjectival appraisal expressions in English outputting a generic representation in terms of their evaluative function in the text. Data mining on appraisal expressions gives meaningful and non-obvious insights.
Kenneth Bloom, Navendu Garg, Shlomo Argamon
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Kenneth Bloom, Navendu Garg, Shlomo Argamon
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