

Extracting an Explicitly Data-Parallel Representation of Image-Processing Programs

14 years 5 months ago
Extracting an Explicitly Data-Parallel Representation of Image-Processing Programs
Our research goal is to retarget image processing programs written in sequential languages (e.g., C) to architectures with data-parallel processing capabilities. Image processing algorithms are often inherently dataparallel, but the artifacts imposed by the sequential programming language (e.g., loops, pointer variables, linear address spaces) can obscure the parallelism and prohibit generation of efficient parallel code. This paper proposes a program representation and patternrecognition approach for generating a data-parallel program specification from sequential source code. The representation is based on an extension of the multidimensional synchronous dataflow (MDSDF) model of computation. Central to extracting this representation from code is understanding the mapping between iterations and array variables in the source code and the operations over array regions (e.g., rows, columns, tiled blocks) that they implement. Examples are presented to illustrate this mapping, and a set ...
Lewis B. Baumstark Jr., Murat Guler, Linda M. Will
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where WCRE
Authors Lewis B. Baumstark Jr., Murat Guler, Linda M. Wills
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