

Extracting Salient Curves from Images: An Analysis of the Saliency Network

14 years 5 months ago
Extracting Salient Curves from Images: An Analysis of the Saliency Network
The Saliency Network proposed by Shashua and Ullman (1988) is a well-known approach to the problem of extracting salient curves from images while performing gap completion. This paper analyzes the Saliency Network. The Saliency Network is attractive for several reasons. First, the network generally prefers long and smooth curves over short or wiggly ones. While computing saliencies, the network also fills in gaps with smooth completions and tolerates noise. Finally, the network is locally connected, and its size is proportional to the size of the image. Nevertheless, our analysis reveals certain weaknesses with the method. In particular, we show cases in which the most salient element does not lie on the perceptually most salient curve. Furthermore, in some cases the saliency measure changes its preferences when curves are scaled uniformly. Also, we show that for certain fragmented curves the measure prefers large gaps over a few small gaps of the same total size. In addition, we analy...
T. D. Alter, Ronen Basri
Added 07 Aug 2010
Updated 07 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Where CVPR
Authors T. D. Alter, Ronen Basri
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