

Extraction of Attribute Concepts from Japanese Adjectives

14 years 3 months ago
Extraction of Attribute Concepts from Japanese Adjectives
ibe various syntactic and semantic conditions for finding abstract nouns which refer to concepts of adjectives from a text, in an attempt to explore the creation of a thesaurus from text. Depending on usages, six kinds of syntactic patterns are shown. In the syntactic ntic conditions an omission of an abstract noun is mainly used, but in addition, various linguistic clues are needed. We then compare our results with synsets of Japanese WordNet. From a viewpoint of Japanese WordNet, the degree of agreement of "Attribute" our data and Japanese WordNet was 22%. On the other hand, the total number of differences of obtained abstract nouns was 267. iewpoint of our data, the degree of agreement of abstract nouns between our data and Japanese WordNet was 54%.
Kyoko Kanzaki, Francis Bond, Noriko Tomuro, Hitosh
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where LREC
Authors Kyoko Kanzaki, Francis Bond, Noriko Tomuro, Hitoshi Isahara
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