

Extremal bipartite graphs with high girth

14 years 3 months ago
Extremal bipartite graphs with high girth
Let us denote by EX (m, n; {C4, . . . , C2t}) the family of bipartite graphs G with m and n vertices in its classes that contain no cycles of length less than or equal to 2t and have maximum size. In this paper the following question is proposed: does always such an extremal graph G contain a (2t + 2)-cycle? The answer is shown to be affirmative for t = 2, 3 or whenever m and n are large enough in comparison with t. The latter asymptotical result needs two preliminary theorems. First we prove that the diameter of an extremal bipartite graph is at most 2t, and afterwards we show that its girth is equal to 2t + 2 when the
Camino Balbuena, Pedro García-Vázque
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Camino Balbuena, Pedro García-Vázquez, Xavier Marcote, Juan Carlos Valenzuela
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