

Eye movement prediction by Kalman filter with integrated linear horizontal oculomotor plant mechanical model

14 years 2 months ago
Eye movement prediction by Kalman filter with integrated linear horizontal oculomotor plant mechanical model
The goal of this paper is to predict future horizontal eye movement trajectories within a specified time interval. To achieve this goal a linear horizontal oculomotor plant mechanical model is developed. The model consists of the eye globe and two extraocular muscles: lateral and medial recti. The model accounts for such anatomical properties of the eye as muscle location, elasticity, viscosity, eyeglobe rotational inertia, muscle active state tension, length tension and force velocity relationships. The mathematical equations describing the oculomotor plant mechanical model are transformed into a Kalman filter form. Such transformation provides continuous eye movement prediction with a high degree of accuracy. The model was tested with 21 subjects and three multimedia files. Practical application of this model lies with direct eye gaze input and interactive displays systems as a method to compensate for detection, transmission and processing delays. CR Categories: I.6.4 [Simulation a...
Oleg Komogortsev, Javed I. Khan
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ETRA
Authors Oleg Komogortsev, Javed I. Khan
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