

Face Recognition Based on Discriminative Manifold Learning

15 years 1 months ago
Face Recognition Based on Discriminative Manifold Learning
In this paper, a discriminative manifold learning method for face recognition is proposed which achieved the discriminative embedding the high dimensional face data into a low dimensional hidden manifold. Unlike the recently proposed LLE, Isomap and Eigenmap algorithms, which are based on reconstruction purpose, our method use the RCA algorithm to achieve nonlinear embedding and data discrimination at the same time. Also, the LLE and Isomap algorithms are crucially depends on the appropriateness of the neighborhood construction rule, in this paper, a CKnearest neighborhood rule is proposed to achieve better neighborhood construction. Experimental results indicate the promising performance of the proposed method.
Kap Luk Chan, Lei Wang, Yiming Wu
Added 09 Nov 2009
Updated 09 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICPR
Authors Kap Luk Chan, Lei Wang, Yiming Wu
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