

Face Relighting with Radiance Environment Maps

15 years 2 months ago
Face Relighting with Radiance Environment Maps
A radiance environment map pre-integrates a constant surface reflectance with the lighting environment. It has been used to generate photo-realistic rendering at interactive speed. However, one of its limitations is that each radiance environment map can only render the object which has the same surface reflectance as what it integrates. In this paper, we present a ratio-image based technique to use a radiance environment map to render diffuse objects with different surface reflectance properties. This method has the advantage that it does not require the separation of illumination from reflectance, and it is simple to implement and runs at interactive speed. In order to use this technique for human face relighting, we have developed a technique that uses spherical harmonics to approximate the radiance environment map for any given image of a face. Thus we are able to relight face images when the lighting environment rotates. Another benefit of the radiance environment map is that we ...
Zhen Wen, Zicheng Liu, Thomas S. Huang
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 29 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CVPR
Authors Zhen Wen, Zicheng Liu, Thomas S. Huang
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