

Face Video Competition

14 years 6 months ago
Face Video Competition
Person recognition using facial features, e.g., mug-shot images, has long been used in identity documents. However, due to the widespread use of web-cams and mobile devices embedded with a camera, it is now possible to realise facial video recognition, rather than resorting to just still images. In fact, facial video recognition offers many advantages over still image recognition; these include the potential of boosting the system accuracy and deterring spoof attacks. This paper presents the first known benchmarking effort of person identity verification using facial video data. The evaluation involves 18 systems submitted by seven academic institutes.
Norman Poh, Chi-Ho Chan, Josef Kittler, Séb
Added 25 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Oct 2012
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICB
Authors Norman Poh, Chi-Ho Chan, Josef Kittler, Sébastien Marcel, Christopher Mc Cool, Enrique Argones-Rúa, José Luis Alba-Castro, Mauricio Villegas, Roberto Paredes, Vitomir Struc, Nikola Pavesic, Albert Ali Salah, Hui Fang, Nicholas Costen
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