

Facilitating the Portability of User Applications in Grid Environments

14 years 1 months ago
Facilitating the Portability of User Applications in Grid Environments
Abstract. Grid computing promises the ability to connect geographically and organizationally distributed resources to increase eective computational power, resource utilization, and resource accessibility. For grid computing to be successful, users must be able to easily execute the same application on dierent resources. Dierent resources, however, may be administered by dierent organizations with dierent software installed, dierent le system structures, and dierent default environment settings. Even within the same organization, the set of software installed on a given resource is in constant ux with additions, upgrades, and removals. Users cannot be expected to understand all of the idiosyncrasies of each resource they may wish to execute jobs on, thus must be provided with automated assistance. This paper describes a new OGSI-compliant grid service (the Naturalization Service) that has been implemented as part of NASA's Information Power Grid (IPG) project to automatic...
Paul Z. Kolano
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where DAIS
Authors Paul Z. Kolano
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