

Fair Information Sharing for Treasure Hunting

9 years 1 days ago
Fair Information Sharing for Treasure Hunting
In a search task, a group of agents compete to be the first to find the solution. Each agent has different private information to incorporate into its search. This problem is inspired by settings such as scientific research, Bitcoin hash inversion, or hunting for some buried treasure. A social planner such as a funding agency, mining pool, or pirate captain might like to convince the agents to collaborate, share their information, and greatly reduce the cost of searching. However, this cooperation is in tension with the individuals’ competitive desire to each be the first to win the search. The planner’s proposal should incentivize truthful information sharing, reduce the total cost of searching, and satisfy fairness properties that preserve the spirit of the competition. We design contract-based mechanisms for information sharing without money. The planner solicits the agents’ information and assigns search locations to the agents, who may then search only within their assi...
Yiling Chen, Kobbi Nissim, Bo Waggoner
Added 27 Mar 2016
Updated 27 Mar 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where AAAI
Authors Yiling Chen, Kobbi Nissim, Bo Waggoner
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