

Fairness dynamics in multimedia colluders' social networks

14 years 8 months ago
Fairness dynamics in multimedia colluders' social networks
Multimedia social network analysis is a research area with growing importance, in which the social network members share multimedia contents with all different purposes and analyzing their behavior help design more secured and efficient multimedia and networking systems. In this paper, we focus on multimedia fingerprinting social network, in which multi-user collusion being a powerful attack, where a group of attackers collectively undermine the traitor tracing capability. During collusion, different colluders have different objective,s thus, the colluders form a social network and an how to achieve agreement on distributing the risk/profit among colluders and ensure fairness of the attack is a crucial question. This paper models the dynamics among colluders as a non-cooperative game, propose a general model of utility functions and study four different bargaining solutions of this game.
Wan-Yi Sabrina Lin, H. Vicky Zhao, K. J. Ray Liu
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICIP
Authors Wan-Yi Sabrina Lin, H. Vicky Zhao, K. J. Ray Liu
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