

A Family-Oriented Software Development Process for Engine Controllers

14 years 7 months ago
A Family-Oriented Software Development Process for Engine Controllers
This paper presents a family-based software development process for aero-engine control software. The process uses a “family capability” derived from family analysis of the embedding system. This analysis allows reuse capability to be designed into the process by exploiting prior knowledge of the differences between members of an engine family. The process described follows the traditional software lifecycle. However, the nature of the stages is modified to incorporate the use of the family capability, essentially to allow systematic application of both compositional and generational reuse throughout the development process. The process described was evaluated on a trial project to develop, and subsequently modify, a thurst reverser system for a small aero-engine. Initial results show that this process can reduce effort for both initial and subsequent developments through the use of the family capability
Karen Allenby, Simon Burton, Darren L. Buttle, Joh
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Karen Allenby, Simon Burton, Darren L. Buttle, John A. McDermid, John Murdoch, Alan Stephenson, Mike Bardill, Stuart Hutchesson
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