

Fast Active Exploration for Link-Based Preference Learning Using Gaussian Processes

13 years 11 months ago
Fast Active Exploration for Link-Based Preference Learning Using Gaussian Processes
Abstract. In preference learning, the algorithm observes pairwise relative judgments (preference) between items as training data for learning an ordering of all items. This is an important learning problem for applications where absolute feedback is difficult to elicit, but pairwise judgments are readily available (e.g., via implicit feedback [13]). While it was already shown that active learning can effectively reduce the number of training pairs needed, the most successful existing algorithms cannot generalize over items or queries. Considering web search as an example, they would need to learn a separate relevance score for each document-query pair from scratch. To overcome this inefficiency, we propose a link-based active preference learning method based on Gaussian Processes (GPs) that incorporates dependency information from both feature-vector representations as well as relations. Specifically, to meet the requirement on computational efficiency of active exploration, we intro...
Zhao Xu, Kristian Kersting, Thorsten Joachims
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where PKDD
Authors Zhao Xu, Kristian Kersting, Thorsten Joachims
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