

Fast complete memory consistency verification

15 years 3 months ago
Fast complete memory consistency verification
The verification of an execution against memory consistency is known to be NP-hard. This paper proposes a novel fast memory consistency verification method by identifying a new natural partial order: time order. In multiprocessor systems with store atomicity, a time order restriction exists between two operations whose pending periods are disjoint: the former operation in time order must be observed by the latter operation. Based on the time order restriction, memory consistency verification is localized: for any operation, both inferring related orders and checking related cycles need to take into account only a bounded number of operations. Our method has been implemented in a memory consistency verification tool for CMP (Chip Multi Processor), named LCHECK. The time complexity of the algorithm in LCHECK is O(Cp p2 n2 ) (where C is a constant, p is the number of processors and n is the number of operations) for soundly and completely checking, and O(p3 n) for soundly but incompletel...
Yunji Chen, Yi Lv, Weiwu Hu, Tianshi Chen, Haihua
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where HPCA
Authors Yunji Chen, Yi Lv, Weiwu Hu, Tianshi Chen, Haihua Shen, Pengyu Wang, Hong Pan
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