

Fast Maximum-Likelihood Decoding of the Golden Code

14 years 11 days ago
Fast Maximum-Likelihood Decoding of the Golden Code
Because each golden code codeword conveys four information symbols from an -ary QAM alphabet, the complexity of an exhaustive-search decoder is proportional to 4 . In this paper we prove that the golden code is fast-decodable, meaning that maximum-likelihood decoding is possible with a worst-case complexity proportional to only 2.5 . The golden code retains its fast-decodable property regardless of whether the channel varies with time. We also present an efficient implementation of a fast maximum-likelihood decoder that exhibits a low average complexity.
Mohanned O. Sinnokrot, John R. Barry
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CORR
Authors Mohanned O. Sinnokrot, John R. Barry
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