

Fast Non Local Means Denoising for 3D MR Images

15 years 4 months ago
Fast Non Local Means Denoising for 3D MR Images
One critical issue in the context of image restoration is the problem of noise removal while keeping the integrity of relevant image information. Denoising is a crucial step to increase image conspicuity and to improve the performances of all the processings needed for quantitative imaging analysis. The method proposed in this paper is based on an optimized version of the Non Local (NL) Means algorithm. This approach uses the natural redundancy of information in image to remove the noise. Tests were carried out on synthetic datasets and on real 3T MR images. The results show that the NL-means approach outperforms other classical denoising methods, such as Anisotropic Diffusion Filter and Total Variation.
Pierrick Coupé, Pierre Yger, Christian Bari
Added 14 Nov 2009
Updated 14 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Pierrick Coupé, Pierre Yger, Christian Barillot
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