

Fast Truncated Multiplication for Cryptographic Applications

14 years 5 months ago
Fast Truncated Multiplication for Cryptographic Applications
The Truncated Multiplication computes a truncated product, a contiguous subsequence of the digits of the product of 2 integers. A few truncated polynomial multiplication algorithms are presented and adapted to integers. They are based on the most often used n-digit full multiplication algorithms of time complexity O(nα ), with 1< α ≤ 2, but a constant times faster. For example, the least significant half products with Karatsuba multiplication need only 80% of the full multiplication time. The faster the multiplication, the less relative time saving can be achieved.
Laszlo Hars
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CHES
Authors Laszlo Hars
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