

Fast Variational Segmentation using Partial Extremal Initialization

14 years 9 months ago
Fast Variational Segmentation using Partial Extremal Initialization
In this paper we consider region-based variational segmentation of two- and three-dimensional images by the minimization of functionals whose fidelity term is the quotient of two integrals. Users often refrain from quotient functionals, even when they seem to be the most natural choice, probably because the corresponding gradient descent PDEs are nonlocal and hence require the computation of global properties. Here it is shown how this problem may be overcome by employing the structure of the Euler-Lagrange equation of the fidelity term to construct a good initialization for the gradient descent PDE, which will then converge rapidly to the desired (local) minimum. The initializer is found by making a one-dimensional search among the level sets of a function related to the fidelity term, picking the level set which minimizes the segmentation functional. This partial extremal initialization is tested on a medical segmentation problem with velocity- and intensity data from MR images. ...
Jan Erik Solem, Niels Chr. Overgaard, Markus Perss
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CVPR
Authors Jan Erik Solem, Niels Chr. Overgaard, Markus Persson, Anders Heyden
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