

A Fault-Tolerant Adaptive and Minimal Routing Approach in n-D Meshes

14 years 7 months ago
A Fault-Tolerant Adaptive and Minimal Routing Approach in n-D Meshes
In this paper a sufficient condition is given for minimal routing in n-dimensional (n-D) meshes with faulty nodes contained in a set of disjoint fault regions. It is based on an early work of the author on minimal routing in low dimension meshes (such as 2-D meshes with faulty blocks). Unlike many traditional models that assume all the nodes know global fault distribution, our approach is based on the concept of limited global fault information. First, a fault model called fault region is used in which all faulty nodes in the system are contained in a set of disjoint regions. Fault information is coded in a 2n-tuple called extended safety level associated with each node of an n-D mesh to support minimal routing. Specifically, we study the existence of minimal paths at a given source node, limited distribution of fault information, minimal routing, and deadlock-free routing. Our results show that any minimal routing that is partially adaptive can still be applied as long as the desti...
Jie Wu
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ICPP
Authors Jie Wu
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