

Fault-tolerant Wait-free Shared Objects

14 years 6 months ago
Fault-tolerant Wait-free Shared Objects
Wait-free implementations of shared objects tolerate the failure of processes, but not the failure of base objects from which they are implemented. We consider the problem of implementing shared objects that tolerate the failure of both processes and base objects. We identify two classes of object failures: responsive and nonresponsive. With responsive failures, a faulty object responds to every operation, but its responses may be incorrect. With nonresponsive failures, a faulty object may also "hang" without responding. In each class, we define crash, omission, and arbitrary modes of failure. We show that all responsive failure modes can be tolerated. More precisely, for all responsive failure modes , object types T, and t 0, we show how to implement a shared object of type T which is t-tolerant for . Such an object remains correct and wait-free even if up to t base objects fail according to . In contrast to responsive failures, we show that even the most benign non-responsi...
Prasad Jayanti, Tushar Deepak Chandra, Sam Toueg
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where FOCS
Authors Prasad Jayanti, Tushar Deepak Chandra, Sam Toueg
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