

Feature-based design for heterogeneous objects

14 years 2 months ago
Feature-based design for heterogeneous objects
Heterogeneous objects are objects composed of different constituent materials. In these objects, multiple desirable properties from different constituent materials can be synthesized into one part. In order to obtain mass applications of such heterogeneous objects, efficient and effective design methodologies for heterogeneous objects are crucial. In this paper, we present a feature based design methodology to facilitate heterogeneous object design. Under this methodology, designers design heterogeneous objects using high-level design components that have engineering significance. These high level components are form features and material features. In this paper, we first examine the relationships between form features and material features in heterogeneous objects. We then propose three synthesized material features in accordance with our examination of these features. Based on these proposed features, we develop a feature based design methodology for heterogeneous objects. Two enabl...
Xiaoping Qian, Debasish Dutta
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Where CAD
Authors Xiaoping Qian, Debasish Dutta
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