

Feature cohesion in software product lines: an exploratory study

13 years 5 months ago
Feature cohesion in software product lines: an exploratory study
Software product lines gain momentum in research and industry. duct-line approaches use features as a central abstraction mechanism. Feature-oriented software development aims at encapsulating features in cohesive units to support program comprehension, variability, and reuse. Surprisingly, not much is known about the characteristics of cohesion in feature-oriented product lines, although proper cohesion is of special interest in product-line engineering due to its focus on variability and reuse. To fill this gap, we conduct an exploratory study on forty software product lines of different sizes and domains. A distinguishing property of our approach is that we use both classic software measures and novel measures that are based on distances in clustering layouts, which can be used also for visual exploration of product-line architectures. This way, we can draw a holistic picture of feature cohesion. In our exploratory study, we found several interesting correlations (e.g., between de...
Sven Apel, Dirk Beyer
Added 29 Aug 2011
Updated 29 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where ICSE
Authors Sven Apel, Dirk Beyer
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