

Featureless 6 DoF Pose Refinement from Stereo Images

15 years 1 months ago
Featureless 6 DoF Pose Refinement from Stereo Images
We present a pose estimation method from an initial unreliable guess using calibrated stereo images. The approach does not rely on a priori known salient features on the surface. The stereo images are brought in congruence without computing a disparity map like in standard stereo algorithms. Instead, the pose parameters of the object are varied to match the stereo images on the known surface shape. Our approach takes into account the aliasing effects introduced due to irregular sub-sampling and is not limited to simple geometric surfaces.
Wolfgang Sepp, Gerd Hirzinger
Added 09 Nov 2009
Updated 09 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICPR
Authors Wolfgang Sepp, Gerd Hirzinger
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