

Feminist Pedagogy and the Lap Top Computer

14 years 7 months ago
Feminist Pedagogy and the Lap Top Computer
ducational Resources Information Center) the on-line education abstracts, show 15,000 entries under "computers and education" since 1992. Adoption of some level of information technology at the university level has occurred on most if not all North American campuses in this decade amid much debate about the extent to which computers in particular enhance or detract from pedagogy. Given the extensive body of research indicating differences in male and female usage of and attitudes about information technology, all of this necessarily has some gendered implications. This paper reviews one particular university initiative, the Acadia Advantage, and assesses some of its potential to enhance women's education. WHAT IS THE ACADIA ADVANTAGE? The Acadia Advantage (AA) programme is an innovation in the pedagogical use of information technology at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. Acadia University's home page describes the Acadia Advantage as: ". . .an academ...
Paula Chegwidden
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where IFIP
Authors Paula Chegwidden
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