

FGF: A web tool for Fishing Gene Family in a whole genome database

14 years 2 months ago
FGF: A web tool for Fishing Gene Family in a whole genome database
Gene duplication is an important process in evolution. The availability of genome sequences of a number of organisms has made it possible to conduct comprehensive searches for duplicated genes enabling informative studies of their evolution. We have established the FGF (Fishing Gene Family) program to efficiently search for and identify gene families. The FGF output displays the results as visual phylogenetic trees including information on gene structure, chromosome position, duplication fate and selective pressure. It is particularly useful to identify pseudogenes and detect changes in gene structure. FGF is freely available on a web server at
Hongkun Zheng, Junjie Shi, Xiaodong Fang, Yuan Li,
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where NAR
Authors Hongkun Zheng, Junjie Shi, Xiaodong Fang, Yuan Li, Søren Vang, Wei Fan, Junyi Wang, Zhang Zhang, Wen Wang, Karsten Kristiansen, Jun Wang
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