

Finding Cycles and Trees in Sublinear Time

13 years 7 months ago
Finding Cycles and Trees in Sublinear Time
We present sublinear-time (randomized) algorithms for finding simple cycles of length at least k 3 and tree-minors in bounded-degree graphs. The complexity of these algorithms is related to the distance of the graph from being Ck-minor free (resp., free from having the corresponding tree-minor). In particular, if the graph is (1)-far from being cycle-free (i.e., a constant fraction of the edges must be deleted to make the graph cycle-free), then the algorithm finds a cycle of polylogarithmic length in time O( N), where N denotes the number of vertices. This time complexity is optimal up to polylogarithmic factors. The foregoing results are the outcome of our study of the complexity of one-sided error property testing algorithms in the bounded-degree graphs model. For example, we show that cycle-freeness of N-vertex graphs can be tested with one-sided error within time complexity O(poly(1/)
Artur Czumaj, Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron, C. Seshadh
Added 14 May 2011
Updated 14 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Artur Czumaj, Oded Goldreich, Dana Ron, C. Seshadhri, Asaf Shapira, Christian Sohler
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