

A finite bidimensional wavelet framework for computer graphics: Image equalization

14 years 3 months ago
A finite bidimensional wavelet framework for computer graphics: Image equalization
A lot of material has been written about wavelet theory. Most of these texts provide an elegant framework from the functional and real analysis point of view. The complete infinite dimensional space (the set of all functions such that ) is generally used to develop the theory, but this cannot be directly applied to computer software, because the concept of a non denumerable infinite set of vectors or functions is practically useless here. We provide foundations for a finite, linear-algebra based toolkit of wavelets that supply a rich set of tools that can be used to manage image processing, equalization and compression. We test a frequency criterion to design orthonormal wavelet generators and a multirresolution analysis. We show that this criterion can be easily interpreted graphically. Despite our approach only constructs orthonormal wavelet basis; we believe that this approach is general enough to explore possibilities in other computer graphic fields and solution of integer-differ...
Francisco Jose Benavides Murillo, Edgar Benavides
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Francisco Jose Benavides Murillo, Edgar Benavides Murillo, Francisco J. Torres-Rojas
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