

The fitness map scheme: application to interactive multifractal image denoising

14 years 6 months ago
The fitness map scheme: application to interactive multifractal image denoising
AbstractInteractive evolutionary algorithms (IEA) often suffer from what is called the “user bottleneck.” In this paper, we propose and analyse a method to limit the user interactions, while still providing sufficient informations for the EA to converge. The method has been currently developed on a multifractal image denoising application: a multifractal denoising method is adapted to complex images, but depends on a set of parameters that are quite difficult to tune by hand. A simple IEA has been developed for this purpose in a previous work. We now experiment an approximation of the user judgment, via a ”fitness map”, that helps to reduce the number of user-interactions. The method is easily extensible to other interactive, or computationally expensive, evolutionary schemes.
Evelyne Lutton, Mario Pilz, Jacques Lévy V&
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CEC
Authors Evelyne Lutton, Mario Pilz, Jacques Lévy Véhel
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