

On Flag Vectors, the Dowling Lattice, and Braid Arrangements

14 years 2 months ago
On Flag Vectors, the Dowling Lattice, and Braid Arrangements
Westudycomplexhyperplanearrangementswhoseintersectionlattices,known as the Dowling lattices, are a natural generalization of the partition lattice. We give a combinatorial description of the Dowling lattice via enriched partitions to obtain an explicit EL-labeling and then find a recursion for the flag h-vector in terms of weighted derivations. When the hyperplane arrangements are real they correspond to the braid arrangements An and Bn. By applying a result due to Billera and the authors, we obtain a recursive formula for the cd-index of the lattice of regions of the braid arrangements An and Bn.
Richard Ehrenborg, Margaret Readdy
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1999
Where DCG
Authors Richard Ehrenborg, Margaret Readdy
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