

Flexible Abstraction Layers for VR Application Development

14 years 6 months ago
Flexible Abstraction Layers for VR Application Development
Abstraction Layers for VR Application Development Gerwin de Haan∗ Michal Koutek† Frits H. Post‡ Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands The development of domain-specific Virtual Reality applications is often a slow and laborious process. The integration of the domainspecific functionality in an interactive Virtual Environment requires close collaboration between domain expert and VR developer, as well as the integration of domain-specific data and software in a VR application. The software environment needs to support the entire development process and software life cycle, from the early stages of iterative, rapid prototyping to a final end-user application. paper, we propose the use of flexible abstraction layers in the form of a dynamic scripting language, which act as the glue between VR system components and external software libraries and applications. First, we discuss the motivation and potential of our approach, after which we overview related approaches. T...
Gerwin de Haan, Michal Koutek, Frits H. Post
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where VR
Authors Gerwin de Haan, Michal Koutek, Frits H. Post
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