

A Flexible Advance Reservation Model for Multi-Domain WDM Optical Networks

14 years 6 months ago
A Flexible Advance Reservation Model for Multi-Domain WDM Optical Networks
— Advance reservation is a mechanism to guarantee the availability of resources when they are needed. In the context of LambdaGrid, this mechanism is used to provide data-intensive applications with the needed deterministic network Quality of Service to transport data between grid instruments, highperformance storage systems, compute clusters and visualization systems. Flexible scheduling affords users greater convenience while also improving resource utilization and acceptance rate. In this paper we propose a Flexible Advance Reservation Model (FARM) and describe how to implement this model in the metascheduling problem. Then we extend this methodology to the cross-domain lightpath reservation problem by incorporating Routing and Wavelength Assignment algorithms. Next, we present the architecture, implementation and APIs of a coordinated Interdomain and Intradomain optical control plane called AR-PIN/PDC, which is capable of flexible advance reservations. Our simulation results show...
Eric He, Xi Wang, Jason Leigh
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Eric He, Xi Wang, Jason Leigh
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