

Flexible Inter-Enterprise Workflow Management using E-Services

14 years 5 months ago
Flexible Inter-Enterprise Workflow Management using E-Services
This paper presents a solution to achieve dynamic Inter-enterprise workflow management using the eservices provided by collaborative e-business enterprises. E-services are distributed services that can be accessed programmatically on the Internet, using SOAP messages and the HTTP protocol. We categorize e-services according to their business types and manage them in an UDDI-enabled Broker Server. By E-service requests are specified in the activities of a process model according to some standardized e-service templates and are bound to the proper service providers at run-time by using a constraint-based, dynamic service binding mechanism. The workflow management system is dynamic in the sense that the actual business organizations that take part in a business process are not determined until run-time.
Jie Meng, Raja Krithivasan, Stanley Y. W. Su, Abde
Added 16 Jul 2010
Updated 16 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Jie Meng, Raja Krithivasan, Stanley Y. W. Su, Abdelsalam Helal
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