

Flexible shape control for automatic resizing of apparel products

12 years 10 months ago
Flexible shape control for automatic resizing of apparel products
We provide a flexible shape control technique in this paper for the automatic resizing of apparel products. The automatic resizing function has become an essential part of the 3D garment CAD systems to generate user customized apparel products for individuals with variant body shapes. The human bodies are usually represented by piecewise linear mesh surfaces with consistent connectivity. The shape of apparel products can then be warped from the space around a human body to the space around another body by computing the new positions of points on apparel products. However, one major limitation of this kind of automatic resizing technique is that the apparel products are always distorted along the shape of the human bodies. This is a required deformation for tight clothes but not an expected result for other types of clothes. To solve this problem, we investigate a method to preserve the shape of user defined features on the apparel products. As the apparel products are often represen...
Yuwei Meng, Charlie C. L. Wang, Xiaogang Jin
Added 20 Apr 2012
Updated 20 Apr 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where CAD
Authors Yuwei Meng, Charlie C. L. Wang, Xiaogang Jin
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