

Flexible synapse detection in fluorescence micrographs by modeling human expert grading

15 years 1 months ago
Flexible synapse detection in fluorescence micrographs by modeling human expert grading
A particularly difficult task in molecular imaging is the analysis of fluorescence microscopy images of neural tissue, as they usually exhibit a high density of objects with diffuse signals. To automate synapse detection in such images, one has to simulate aspects of human pattern recognition skills to account for low signal-to-noiseratios. We propose a machine learning based method that allows a direct integration of the experts' visual expertise who tag a low number of referential synapses according to their degree of synapse likeness. The sensitivity and positive predictive values show that by using graded likeness information in our learning algorithm we can provide an intuitively tunable tool for neural tissue slide evaluation.
Julia Herold, Manuela Friedenberger, Marcus Bode,
Added 20 Nov 2009
Updated 20 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ISBI
Authors Julia Herold, Manuela Friedenberger, Marcus Bode, Nasir Rajpoot, Walter Schubert, Tim W. Nattkemper
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