

FlexiKnobs: bridging the gap between mouse interaction and hardware controllers

14 years 8 months ago
FlexiKnobs: bridging the gap between mouse interaction and hardware controllers
Parameters in audio or video editing applications can mostly be controlled by a variety of hardware devices such as MIDI controllers. These, however, usually feature only a limited number of physical knobs arranged in a fixed layout. The hundreds of parameters offered by typical editing software across dozens of windows with distinct arrangements of on-screen controls are hard to map to such a fixed physical interface. To improve this, we have built a set of wireless, mouse-like devices enhanced with rotary controllers aiming at integrating the flexibility and transparency of mouse interaction with the benefits of physical controllers. Our software enables the simultaneous use of several of these knobs with a large variety of standard software. Author Keywords Tangible user interfaces, multiple cursors, A/V Editing. ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2: Information interfaces and presentation: User Interfaces – Input devices and strategies General Terms Human Factors, Design
Kristian Gohlke, Michael Hlatky, Sebastian Heise,
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where TEI
Authors Kristian Gohlke, Michael Hlatky, Sebastian Heise, Jörn Loviscach
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