

FOCIH: Form-Based Ontology Creation and Information Harvesting

14 years 9 months ago
FOCIH: Form-Based Ontology Creation and Information Harvesting
Creating an ontology and populating it with data are both labor-intensive tasks requiring a high degree of expertise. Thus, scaling ontology creation and population to the size of the web in an effort to create a web of data—which some see as Web 3.0—is prohibitive. Can we find ways to streamline these tasks and lower the barrier enough to enable Web 3.0? Toward this end we offer a form-based approach to ontology creation that provides a way to create Web 3.0 ontologies without the need for specialized training. And we offer a way to semi-automatically harvest data from the current web of pages for a Web 3.0 ontology. In addition to harvesting information with respect to an ontology, the approach also annotates web pages and links facts in web pages to ontological concepts, resulting in a web of data superimposed over the web of pages. Experience with our prototype system shows that mappings between conceptual-model-based ontologies and forms are sufficient for creating the kin...
Cui Tao, David W. Embley, Stephen W. Liddle
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ER
Authors Cui Tao, David W. Embley, Stephen W. Liddle
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