

FOCUS: The Interactive Table for Product Comparison and Selection

14 years 4 months ago
FOCUS: The Interactive Table for Product Comparison and Selection
FOCUS, the Feature-Oriented Catalog USer interface, is an interactive table viewer for a common kind of table, namely the object-attribute table, also called cases-by-attribute table or relational table. Typical examples of these tables are the Roll Calls in BYTE where the features and test results of a family of hardware or software products are compared. FOCUS supports data exploration by a combination of a focus+context or fisheye technique, a hierarchical outliner for large attribute sets, and a general and easy-to-use dynamic query mechanism where the user simply clicks on desired values found in the table. A PC/Windows implementation of FOCUS is publicly available ( It is suited for tables with up to a few hundred rows and columns, which are typically stored and maintained by spreadsheet applications. Since we use a simple data format, existing tables can be easily inspected with FOCUS. With the rapidly increasing public interest in on-...
Michael Spenke, Christian Beilken, Thomas Berlage
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Where UIST
Authors Michael Spenke, Christian Beilken, Thomas Berlage
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