

Forecasting in Database Systems

8 years 10 months ago
Forecasting in Database Systems
Abstract: Time series forecasting is crucial in a number of domains such as production planning and energy load balancing. In these areas, forecasts are often required by non-expert users on large multi-dimensional data sets expecting short response times. However, as current traditional database systems support forecasting only in a limited and non-declarative way, it is performed outside the database system by specially trained experts. We introduce a novel approach that seamlessly integrates time series forecasting into an existing database management system. In contrast to flash-back queries that allow a view on the data in the past, we have developed a Flash-Forward Database System (F2 DB) that provides a view on the data in the future. It supports a new query type — a forecast query — that enables forecasting of time series data for any user and is automatically processed by the core engine of an existing DBMS. We introduce various optimization techniques for three different...
Ulrike Fischer
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where BTW
Authors Ulrike Fischer
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