

Formalization of Viruses and Malware Through Process Algebras

14 years 8 months ago
Formalization of Viruses and Malware Through Process Algebras
Abstract—Abstract virology has seen the apparition of successive viral models, all based on Turing-equivalent formalisms. Considering recent malware, these are only partially covered because functional formalisms do not support interactive computations. This article provides a basis for a unified malware model, founded on the Join-Calculus. In terms of expressiveness, the process-based model supports the fundamental notion of self-replication but also interactions, concurrency and nontermination to cover evolved malware. In terms of protection, detection undecidability and prevention by isolation still hold. Additional results are established: calculus fragments where detection is decidable, definition of a non-infection property, potential solutions to restrict propagation. Keywords-malware, process algebra, detection, prevention
Grégoire Jacob, Eric Filiol, Hervé D
Added 17 May 2010
Updated 17 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Grégoire Jacob, Eric Filiol, Hervé Debar
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