

Fortifying web-based applications automatically

13 years 12 days ago
Fortifying web-based applications automatically
Browser designers create security mechanisms to help web developers protect web applications, but web developers are usually slow to use these features in web-based applications (web apps). In this paper we introduce Zan1 , a browserbased system for applying new browser security mechanisms to legacy web apps automatically. Our key insight is that web apps often contain enough information, via web developer source-code patterns or key properties of web-app objects, to allow the browser to infer opportunities for applying new security mechanisms to existing web apps. We apply this new concept to protect authentication cookies, prevent web apps from being framed unwittingly, and perform JavaScript object deserialization safely. We evaluate Zan on up to the 1000 most popular websites for each of the three cases. We find that Zan can provide complimentary protection for the majority of potentially applicable websites automatically without requiring additional code from the web developers ...
Shuo Tang, Nathan Dautenhahn, Samuel T. King
Added 13 Dec 2011
Updated 13 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CCS
Authors Shuo Tang, Nathan Dautenhahn, Samuel T. King
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